Cleaning Up Well to Keep Sepsis at Bay

Sepsis is a highly life-threatening complication of an infection. It occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight infection instead set off inflammatory responses in the body. These responses in turn trigger a domino effect wherein organs begin to fail in the body. Common symptoms of the complication include chills, vomiting, rashes, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate. Individuals at risk can buy a stethoscope online to monitor heart rate regularly, which in people suffering from sepsis is higher than 90 beats a minute. Sepsis can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, or even parasitic infections, which can be prevented through vaccination along with good, consistent hygiene. Read on to know simple yet effective steps one should take to prevent sepsis: 

Washing hands regularly Many infections that later turn septic are said to originate in hospitals. Hence, it becomes imperative that every individual who enters a hospital room must wash their hands well before they touch you. For hand-washing to be effective, it needs to be done properly. To do so, use running water and lather well. Make sure to rub between fingers and under nails and dry thoroughly with a clean towel right after. In the case of a hand sanitizer, use the same motions of rubbing your hands together as you would when washing with soap and wait for your hands to dry before touching any object. 

Caring for wounds About one in ten sepsis cases follows a skin infection, therefore it becomes crucial to care for wounds and scrapes in the proper manner. Every cut, scrape, or break in the skin can make way for bacteria in the body, causing an infection. For this reason, all wounds should be cleaned as quickly as possible. It’s best to follow the below-mentioned protocols for cleaning wounds:

  • Make sure you wash your hands before touching an open wound. If possible, proceed while wearing clean disposable gloves.
  • If the wound is deep, gaping, or has jagged edges and can’t be closed easily, visit a doctor as it would need to be stitched up with sutures.
  • If the wound does not appear to need stitches, rinse it, and the surrounding area with water. Gently run water over the wound to remove any dirt that may be inside, however, if you are uncertain and believe there are remnants still inside, see a doctor first.
  • If required, apply an antibiotic cream and seal with surgical paper tape or gauze to further protect the wound from any intrusions.
  • Watch out for any signs of infection, which could show up in the form of redness around the wound, increased pain, discharge from the wound and/or skin around the wound may be warm to touch. If you spot any of these signs, see a doctor immediately.