6 Breast Pump Myths Debunked

Breast milk is the best nutrition that a new-born baby can receive in its initial months; it is the food that the infant needs in building the child's immune system. While the importance of breast milk is well-known, new mothers sometimes struggle to breastfeed due to reasons beyond their control which in turn deprives the baby of breast milk. Working mothers may struggle, even more, trying to hit the perfect balance between taking care of their newborn and attending efficiently to their work requirements. The invention we call a breast pump has been a boon for new mothers, bringing in a host of advantages. The digital age has made it easy to buy quality breast pumps online as well. Despite the valuable benefits, breast pumps have attracted their own share of myths, which have kept women away from using them.

Let’s clear the air about the six myths that have dominated the minds in today’s times:

Pumping affects mother-child bonding Breastfeeding is one of the easiest and most natural ways in which baby bonds with its mother. This is, however, not the only way to bond. Touching, holding, cuddling, bathing - anything that involves touch helps the mother and child bond. As the baby grows bonding also occurs through the sense of sight and sound. 

Pumping destroys the nutrients in the mother's milk When a baby suckles at the mother's breasts, the saliva transferred from baby to mother intimates the mother about any germs the child may be infected with. The mother's body now prepares antibodies to fend off these germs and passes it on through breastmilk. Expressing milk through a pump may partially interrupt this process but the mother's milk is still rich in nutrients and provides the baby with a number of antibodies that are needed to fight any infection. 

Stored breast milk becomes stale Expressed or pumped breast milk must be stored in certain conditions. A sterile bottle must always be used and the milk does tend to spoil in room temperatures if kept for too long. Breast milk should be frozen and thawed if it must be stored for long. Following the best practices for storing breast milk will preserve most of its nutrients and nourishment. 

Excessive pumping will reduce milk supply Using a breast pump on a regular basis is a good way for a mother to maintain breast milk supply. Excessive use of the pump will not dry out or reduce the production of milk. It is usually recommended that women who are not breastfeeding, express milk every 2 hours to maintain the supply and fulfill the needs of the baby. As the baby grows and as it is time to wean the child, this interval may be increased.

 Pumping causes breast cancer Breastfeeding and expressing milk through the pump is good for breast health. There are scientific studies that suggest that women who do not breastfeed after childbirth are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer. Now considering that breast pumps come as a boon to women with babies who have trouble latching or nipple confusion, it is an effective way to reduce risks of breast cancer. A breast pump, like a blood pressure checker, is a mechanical device that helps maintain good health. If you’re considering buying a breast pump for someone you know, do explore the options available on the website.