How Dangerous Are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits made of minerals and salts that are unable to pass out of your body. In simple words, when your body comprises too many minerals of a certain type and not enough liquid, kidney stones form. They range from the size of a grain of salt to a kernel of corn. Causes of kidney stones are wide-ranging. Essentially caused due to the concentration of urine, kidney stones can adversely impact any part of your urinary system – be it your kidneys or your bladder. As urine gets concentrated, minerals tend to crystallize and stick together, creating mini, pebble-like stone structures. Ordinarily, kidney stones may be painful to pass but do not cause permanent damage. The correct treatment and subsequent impact are entirely dependent on the size of the stones, their type, and position. If they get stuck in your urinary tract or lead to urinary infection, complications may arise. It becomes imperative to meet your consulting physician and shop for medical equipment online to recover from kidney stones. To know more about the dangers of kidney stones, you should first understand its types:
  • Calcium stones: Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones. They can be caused by simple dietary habits such as consuming food that is very high in oxalates. A high intake of Vitamin D or inadequate consumption of water can also lead to calcium stones.
  • Cystine stones: Not as common as other topes, cystine stone is a recurring type of kidney stone. It is mostly caused due to genetic abnormalities.
  • Struvite stones: Struvite stones are caused by infections, especially those that occur in the urinary tract.
  • Uric acid stones: The existence of uric acid stones is directly connected to the lack of water consumption, excess sweating, and dehydration. Consuming large amounts of protein or a general high protein diet can also be a contributory factor.
The level of danger associated with kidney stones is directly dependent on their size and location in your body. If they create an obstruction in the urinary tract while you’re suffering from an infection, bacteria may be unable to get out and thus, lead to severe complications. As long as kidney stones are small in size (smaller than 5mm or 1/4 inch) and do not create obstructions, they can pass on naturally. You may expect this process to be quite painful and in case of trouble, the urologist/ clinician uses a foley catheter to drain the urine. An important point to note is that the initial pain will subside even if the kidney stone doesn’t pass. In other words, the patient may be tricked to think that the crisis has passed even when one’s kidney is unable to perform or is on the verge of shutting down. If left untreated, kidney stones can be highly dangerous. You must visit a medical professional and buy medical equipment from a trusted medical store in order to treat the stones for good and avoid reoccurrence or complications. On Smart Medical Buyer, you can be assured of finding the best quality foley catheters you can rely on to resolve your issues with kidney stones.