How to use the COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit For Diagnosis?

The Covid-19 Rapid Test Kit is a DIY antigen home kit that determines your Covid status while you stay in the comfort of your home. This easy 4 step process is a great way to detect the antigen in your body:

1. Take your nasal swab specimen
2. Immerse it in the solution
3. Put 4 drops of this solution device
4. Now wait 15 minutes for your result

The rapid test kit comes with an instruction manual, 1 buffer tube that is pre filled, 1 test device, 1 sterile nasal swab and a disposal bag.


Intended Use:

The COVID 19 Rapid Self-Test Kit is an In-Vitro diagnostics immunochromatographic kit to detect the SARS CoV 2 antigen present in specimens from the nasal swab. This test can be conducted on both symptomatic & asymptomatic people.

- The CoviSelf rapid test kit has got authorization from ICMR and does not require a prescription.

- It is intended to be for home use as a self-test for individuals over the age of 2.

- The nasal specimens can be collected by the individual on their own as long as they are 18 years and above. For those aged 2 and over but under 18, an adult will have to collect the nasal specimen from the person being tested.

- The intention of the Rapid Test kit is to help in the diagnosis of Covid infections.

- If you receive a positive result from the rapid test kit, it should be treated as the same and does not require a second confirmation via an RT-PCR test.

- If the test result is negative, it must not be considered supreme. Other factors such as the history of the patient, clinical observations and epidemiological evidence needs to be taken into consideration.

- If an individual is showing symptoms such as fever, loss of taste, fatigue but have still tested negative by the rapid test kit, a subsequent RT-PCR must be done to rule out the SARS CoV 2 infection. Till then the individual should isolate.


The principle the test is based on:

- The COVID-19 rapid test kit qualitatively determines the SARS-CoV-2 infection present in the swab specimens.

- If the SARS-CoV-2 antigens exist in your nasal swab specimen, a colored test line will appear in the result window.

- The intensity of the colour will change according to the amount of antigen present.

- No line appears in the test result if SARS- CoV-2 antigens are not present in the specimen.

- The control band determines the procedural control and will always be visible if the procedure has been correctly performed.


How to use the Covid-19 Rapid Test Kit for Diagnosis?

First and foremost, prepare yourself for the test – wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water & dry them before testing yourself.

Take out the components and place them on a flat table, take out the test device from the pouch and remove the foil from the prefilled tube. Make it stand on the perforated circle on the kit box.

- Step 1: When collecting the sample, take out the swab from the tail end, it is a sterile swab so do not touch the head.

- Step 2: Insert the swab inside one nostril about ¾ to 1 inch or until you can not take it anymore. Rotate the swab 5 times along the insides of the nostril. Using the same swab, repeat this in the second nostril.

- Step 3: Put the swab inside the liquid, make sure the head is immersed. Pinch the bottom of the tube so it entirely extracted of the fluid. The buffer tube should be held firmly, and the swab handles should be snapped at breakpoint. Let the swab be inside the tube and get rid of the stick. Secure the buffer tube with the dropper cap.

- Step 4: Do the test. Drop 4 drops onto the sample well of the device. Wait for 15 minutes. If no results appear, consider the test invalid. If it is a strong positive, the result will start showing withing 5-10 minutes.

* Take a photo of the device so it can be interpreted via the app.
* Positive Result: Both the C (control) and T (test) lines will appear. Even the faintest line should be treated as positive.
* Negative Result: T line will not appear but C line will be there.
* C line should be there by default if the test has been conducted properly.

- Step 5Place the tube, the device and the swab into the disposal bag. Seal it and dispose it in a dustbin.


The procedure of using the kit is pretty simple but there are certain guidelines that must be followed for an accurate result. Check out the YouTube Video below to understand the process better on How to Test Yourself for COVID-19 at home?

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