The Mystery behind Varicose Veins

It is commonplace to associate bulging veins with someone who is angry or extremely tense. Just as common is the phenomenon of the veins being permanently bulged, the outline of which is visible under the skin. These permanently enlarged veins which are usually bluish-purple or dark red color and are known as varicose veins. They typically appear swollen and can often be painful. Varicose veins are caused by faulty valves which result in poor blood circulation and hence, reduce the flexibility of the vein walls. As a consequence, blood doesn’t flow upwards anymore and gets collected in the areas causing them to swell. Let’s understand a little more about this. 

What leads to varicose veins? Valves inside veins ensure that blood does not retrograde away from the large veins and the heart. The weak valves may result in poor circulation of blood which in turn can cause varicose veins. Moreover, weakness in the walls results in the pooling of the blood, increasing the volume of blood at a particular point, and adding further stress on the walls. Varicose veins are also caused by blood clots and congenital abnormalities of the veins. Pregnancy, obesity, and aging can also contribute to the condition. 

Symptoms of varicose veins A cosmetic nuisance for many people, varicose veins are easily identifiable. Some of the common symptoms include:

  • Visible twisted and bulging veins; they generally appear in dark purple or blue color.
  • Protruding from under the skin, the veins feel thick and like ropes.
  • The area surrounding the veins feels itchy and often causes pain.
  • Pain seems to worse if you are standing for a longer period of time.
Diagnosis and treatment Varicose veins treatment begin with the physical examination of the affected area by your doctor. He or she may also conduct an ultrasound, allowing your physician to examine the flow of the blood in veins. To further assess the veins, a venogram may be done which includes injecting a special dye and taking an X-ray of the area to get a better view of the blood flow. Some patients opt for cosmetic surgery for the removal of varicose veins. Other treatment options for varicose veins are:
  1. Radiofrequency ablation – The doctor inserts a probe into the catheter, which emits radiofrequency energy that heats up the vein and seals it completely.
  2. Laser treatment – With the help of an ultrasound scan, the laser is being threaded all the way up, burning the vein and locking it up.
  3. Compression treatment – Special compression hosiery is effective is dulling cramps and related pains. Compression stockings are to be worn before you start walking for the day.
  4. Regular exercise – It is imperative to exercise your legs and calves several times a day. Flex your feet and toes regularly. Supplement the exercise with regular hydration to keep the blood flowing.
There are many natural treatment options also available which use topical creams and emollients which not only alleviate pain but also improve their general appearance. Many spirometry machines online, compression bandages, and stockings are available on our website. Log in today to explore the complete range of products and beat varicose veins